
Thursday, March 25- 12 Nissan
Formal search for Chametz after nightfall

Friday, March 26- 13 Nissan
Fast of the First Born
Burn Chametz before 12:24 pm 

Light Candles at 7:17 pm

Shabbat, March 27- 14 Nissan

Shacharit: 8:00 Am

Finish Eating Chametz before 11:21 AM

1st Seder Night
Light Candles after 8:10 pm
Evening Services: 8:00 pm
Seder Begins: 8:30 pm


Sunday, March 28- 15 Nissan 
1st Day of Passover
Morning Services: 10:00 am
Evening Services: 8:00 pm
2nd Seder Night
Light Candles after 8:10 pm

Evening Services: 8:00 pm
Seder Begins: 8:30 pm

Monday, March 29- 16 Nissan 
2nd Day of Passover
Morning Services: 10:00 am
Holiday Ends at 8:11 pm

Tuesday, March 30- 17 Nissan 

Day 1 of Chol Hamoed

Wednesday March 31- 18 Nissan
Day 2 of Chol Hamoed

Thursday, April 1- 19 Nissan
Day 3 of Chol Hamoed

Friday, April 2- 20 Nissan 
Light Candles* at 7:20 pm

Shabbat, April 3- 21 Nissan 
Morning Services at 10:00 am
Light Candles* after 8:13 pm

Sunday, April 4- 22 Nissan 
Final Day of Passover
Morning Services at 10:00 am
Yiskor Memorial Service aprox. 11:00 am

Meal of Moshiach 6:30 pm
On this final day of Passover we strive for the highest level of freedom, and focus on the Final Redemption. Following the Baal Shem Tov’s custom, we end Passover with “Moshiach’s Feast” — a festive meal complete with matzah and four cups of wine, during which we celebrate the imminent arrival of the Messiah. The feast begins before sunset and continues until after nightfall. - FREE!
Shabbat/ Holiday Ends at 8:14 pm


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