Chabad of Coconut Creek attracts community members from diverse backgrounds. Participants are not judged by their ability to take part, nor by their religious knowledge.

All shul services are warm, relaxing, haimish and easy to follow. Friday night  & Saturday morning services enjoy a great spirit and communal participation.

When you enter Chabad House, you will be greeted with a warm welcome, encouragement and support. Our Shul participants are actively involved in the services, which are meaningful and inspirational.

Davening Times

Friday Night: Mincha/Mariv @ 15 minutes before sunset.

Shabbos: Shacharis 10:00 AM; Followed by a delicious kiddush.

Sunday: 9:30 am. Pray, Wrap some tefillin, and have some breakfast!

Please join us there!

Chabad of Coconut Creek & W. Pompano Beach 
4640 NW 74th Pl 
Coconut Creek FL 33073


You are also welcome to join us at

Chabad Jewish Center 

3700 Coconut Creek Parkway

Coconut Creek, FL 33066

(954) 427-7788 

Across the street from Wynmoor 


Chabad Palm Aire Jewish Community Center

2660 N Palm Aire Dr

Pompano Beach, FL 33069

(954) 228-3338

Click here to find out how synagogue can save your life! 

The Synagogue
The Synagogue Companion

The synagogue is the Jewish house of prayer and study. Take a tour of what the Synagogue includes, get a glimpse of the basic prayers, the Torah reading and how the holiest object that the Jews have, The Torah, is made.

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